Sunday, June 11, 2023

PlatformCon 2023 Talk: Adobe's journey into building an Internal Developer Platform

Adobe began its Cloud-Native journey back in 2015 and has since then expanded to over 200 multi-tenant clusters deployed across multiple regions and geographies. We have an average of >3 million containers with over 200 production deployments each day. All this has been made possible with Adobe's Cloud Platform called Ethos which provides high resiliency, reliability, and robust CI/CD capabilities to Adobe product teams. We are now expanding this platform into an Adobe-wide Internal Developer Platform (IDP) that aims to provide a seamless experience incorporating service creation, deployment, and management to over 5000 developers. The IDP will integrate and provide key capabilities across security, infrastructure provisioning, monitoring, diagnostics and GitOps-based CI/CD tooling using Argo. Adobe is also going through a massive project of modernizing its K8s cluster fleet which will lead to greater resiliency and considerable cost savings each year. 

Watch the video below!

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